Thursday 22 September 2016

Six Pack Abs Workout - Abdomnial Muscle Anatomy

abs workout

In this post we are going to discuss about abs muscles and abs workout. Some people have 4 packs and some has 6 or 8 packs depends on the body structure and abs workout.  Before you even consider preparing and slimming down for a tore midriff and start your abs workout, you have to comprehend the stomach musculature and the capacity of every range. This learning is capable on the grounds that it reinforces the psyche muscle association. It's been demonstrated that a solid personality muscle association enrolls more muscle movement. Rectus Abdominis: Commonly alluded to as the six-pack abs workout, the rectus abdominis is sheet of muscle which runs along the side from pelvis to sternum. It starts at the pubis and pubic symphosis and additions into the fifth, 6th, and seventh ribs. The rectus abdominis has flimsy groups of connective tissue that gives it that washboard appearance. Its fundamental capacity is to flex the storage compartment, increment stomach weight, and balance out the pelvis.

abs workout
External Obliques: These muscles run corner to corner down and toward the midline of the body. They start on the lower eight ribs and embed along your pelvis, at the base of your pubic zone, and into the linea alba, or the line of connective tissue down the center of the rectus abdominus. These muscles turn and along the side flex the storage compartment. They likewise pack the midriff.Outside Obliques: These muscles run corner to corner down and toward the midline of the body. They start on the lower eight ribs and embed along your pelvis, at the base of your pubic zone, and into the linea alba, or the line of connective tissue down the center of the rectus abdominus. These muscles turn and along the side flex the storage compartment. They likewise pack the midriff.

 Abs workout for beginners:

Barbell floor wiper:

Lie on your back on the floor and hold the barbell over your mid section. Now raise your legs and slowly move it to right side while keeping your upper half still. Try not to touch the ground. Now move it to left side and vice versa.
abs workout

Barbell roll out:

 Load the bar with the light weight and grip the rod as equal to your shoulder width. Now slowly move the barbell forward and back to the normal position.
abs workout

Dragon flag:

 Lie on the bench and hold the bench from back side. Now raise your legs straight upward and thne move it slowly downward.
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Flat bench lying raise:

Lie on the bench and hold the bench from backside. Now by keeping your legs straight raise your legs upwards at 90 degrees and then move it to the starting position.
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Lie on the floor. Now move your upper body and lower body towards each other by bending your knees. Repeat this step.
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For more optimum effect take stops 1 sec between each reps and also control your diet. I hope after working on these exercise you will get hard ripped abs. For shoulders and more body workouts visit our site [Muscle Fitness Anatomy]

Thanks for visiting!..... :)

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